How to make money from home

It is very easy to make money online and it can be made quickly, but when you are working in a company or you are running your own business to get that money you have to give your full time and physical effort but when you work online and earn that money. You don't need physical efforts to do the work.

  1. Blogging.
  2. YouTube.
  3. Affiliate marketing.
  4. Freelancing.
  5. Content writing.
  6. Data Entry.
  7. Language translating.
  8. PTC sites

1. Blogging

Blogs are also a website that makes your knowledge available to the public. You can make money by creating personal blogs, content download sites, knowledge sharing sites, question answer sites.

   There are some platforms that facilitate your blogging in which Blogger and WordPress are the most popular. 60 to 70 percent of bloggers use these platforms. If the blog gets 10K traffic for a month, you can make 300$ to 500$ per month.

2. YouTube

YouTube is another popular platform used for online monetization which is the most popular product on search engines.  Made by Google, it's easy to monetize, all you have to do is upload a simple video.  You can earn money by gaming, editing, dancing, cooking, singing, uploading videos of that type. On YouTube, the only way to make money is to advertise.  The more views on your videos, the more money you earn by showing ads on your videos.

3. Affiliate marketing

In affiliate marketing you have to sell a product.  Whether the product is a software program or an electronic device, an item on a website like Amazon, you have to create a referral link to the item. When someone buy from that link, you get a commission. You can post on the page

4. Freelancing

In freelancing you are offered a variety of jobs and you are paid to do them.  It may ask you to edit a video or purchase a photo edit.  There are many websites that can tell you about this type of work and they will pay you to complete the work but they may have some conditions to complete the work. 

5. Content writing

Contact writing is an easy way to earn there are some websites which hiring content writers for her website. You have to write articles and you get paid the only condition is you have to write an article by own not copy past it from other websites or social media pages the more of the article you write more money you get paid some site pays on the basis of length of artists.

6. Data Entry 

The data entry job is easy to do so all you have to do is type on a readable comupter and no special skills are required.  Many sites offer data entry jobs. This is a basic thing provided to you for registering or booking data, typing assignments, typing bills and other things. A scanned copy is sent to your account.

 7. Language translating

The good knowledge of other languages except for English may help you to get money. There are some websites pays you for translating the language. The people who don't understand those languages you have to explain to him.

8. PTC sites

There are many websites in this section for which you only have to look at the ads displayed on the website for 5 to 10 seconds, then you get paid for it. You can earn up to 50$ in a month.