What is Blog ? concept of blog, blogger and  blogging.

What is Blog ? concept of blog, blogger and blogging.

What is a blog ?  concept of blog, blogger, and blogging.

 Do you know what is blog if you don't know then you are came at the right place many people who have heard about blogging don't understand what is blog and how to create it. 

What is blog ? 

 A blog is an online journal or diary  website showing information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts displays first. The typical blog contant can be image, video, text, gif, books, It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their ideas on an individual subject. There are two types of blog private and public blog. when blog is public then it can be access worldwide.

Basic structure of blog. 

 Past many years there are many changes in blog structure, but basic structure content following common features available in every blog. Difference between blog and website. Many people wondering there is any difference in blog and website. But today it is way more difficult to differentiate between them. But blog needs update frequently, for example if your blog on news then you have to to update it daily or hourly to provide latest update to your reader. 

 What is blogging ? 

 Blogging is the set of many skills that one needs to run and manage a blog. Equips web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet. 

Who is blogger ? 

 Recently bloggers become very famous because of various reasons. Many people choosing blogging as a career job alternative. Who is blogger? A person or a team of multiple peoples sharing blogs on various topics art, cooking, designing,  technical information, legal informatio, entertaining contents, tutorials. 

How are the getting paid for her blog ? 

 Before you start monetizing you have to rank your your blog on Google to get large amount of traffic on your articles. Once again the traffic on your blog then you can monetize with multiple ways.
  • Selling ad space of your block to Google AdSense.
  • By becoming affiliate partner of many companies or ad network
  • Selling your own digital products like application software or books.
  • Membership for exclusive content on your blog.